Tuesday, 2 October 2007

Is Mother Theresa A Christian?

Important woman of the world series.
edited by Geek Wife

And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
II Corinthians 11:14

Blasphemy from the Lips of Mother Theresa
Here's a quote from Mother Theresa. She is the Catholic's Catholic.
Many praise her for her good works and use her as an example of a model Christian [Lord have mercy, Jesus]. You will see from the following quotes that Mother Theresa believes that Jesus is a piece of bread and that the Catholic "Mary" is leading her to Jesus [Lord have mercy, Jesus]. Mother Theresa is NOT SAVED and Jesus said that when the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. She is on her way to hell, taking others with her and I hope she is converted before it is too late.

In this quote, she is addressing priests at the Worldwide Retreat for Priests in October 1984, in Paul VI Audience Hall, Vatican City:
"At the word of a priest, that little piece of bread becomes the body of Christ...Then you give this bread to us, so that we too might live and become holy..."
[context of next statement: Yemen wanted nuns to help them but had no chapel] "I explained that I wanted to give them sisters, but the trouble was that, without a priest, without Jesus going with them, our sisters couldn't go anywhere [oh, so the priests control Jesus]...

I was so struck with the thought that only when the priest is there can we have our altar and our tabernacle and our Jesus. Only the priest can PUT Jesus there for us...Jesus wants to go there [oh, so Jesus is powerless without the priest], but we cannot bring him unless you first give him to us."

[still talking to priests] "...This is one of the reasons you are called 'another Christ.'" [note: the definition of antichrist is a false Christ! There's only one Jesus all else are impostors!]"
I make no apologies for loudly proclaiming that this is NOT my Jesus, this is NOT the Jesus of the Bible!!!! Look at what Mother Theresa said about "Mary" in the same speech:
"Let us ask [Mary] to be our Mother, guiding us and protecting us...she is always leading us to Jesus [The Bible doesn't say that!]

I Heard This With My Own Two Ears...
The event that I'm about to describe occurred just after I started to walk with the Lord.
I was visiting a Methodist service on a military base and a departing minister stood up before the congregation in his white robe looking pious. He said something like, "We must embrace our Catholic brothers and sisters. After all, they believe 99.5% of the things that we do."

That is a lie..!!!
The only way a person can be my brother or sister is if they know Jesus Christ in the pardon of their sins and newness of life in accordance with the Bible. The Catholic believes that knowing Jesus is eating His flesh and drinking His blood through transubstantiation which is heresy. [According to the law in Leviticus 17:10 eating blood is strictly forbidden. The command remains in the New Testament--see Acts 15:20, 15:29, 21:25. Therefore, drinking the blood of Jesus cannot be justified no matter how you look at it.]

That man stood up in front of the congregation desensitizing people to the cult of Mary and it probably worked on most--but it ain't workin' here. Tell people the truth and pull them out of the flames of hell!
The worst danger of ecumenism (all religions getting together in unity) is telling heretics that their religion is okay. They will not try to find out the truth and the lake of fire will be their eternal home. Christians, fight ecumenism tooth and nail. You have the light--LET IT SHINE. Don't be afraid, tell the truth to Catholics and others in false religions so that they can be saved from certain eternal death. Base everything you say on the word of God--it's our sword.

One Time, No More
The sacrifice of Jesus Christ occurred one time never to be repeated. Hebrews 10:12-14 says,
But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God;
From henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool.
For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.

The Answer to Our Question
Mother Theresa is not a Christian. She is an idolater that worships bread, wine, statues, and men. God commands His people to stay away from people like this. Don't use her as an example in Sunday School classes. Don't use her as an example anywhere. The Bible gives this clear command to Christians:

Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.

II John 9-11

[Editor's note: This article was written about 4-6 months before Mother Theresa died on 9-5-97.]

The following is a CNN article claiming Mother Teresa underwent exorcism.

Archbishop: Mother Teresa underwent exorcism
September 5, 2001 Posted: 10:05 AM EDT (1405 GMT)
By Satinder Bindra
CNN New Delhi Bureau

CALCUTTA, India (CNN) -- Senior church officials in Calcutta acknowledge Mother Teresa had an exorcism performed on her in the latter years of life.
The exorcism took place in a hospital where she had gone for cardiac problems, said Archbishop of Calcutta Henry D'Souza. The archbishop himself had been hospitalized at the same facility and shared the same doctor as Mother Teresa.
He said he noticed that while Mother Teresa was calm during the day, at night she appeared "extremely agitated." D'Souza said Mother Teresa would pull off wires and other monitoring equipment stuck to her body.

He said that is when he believed Mother Teresa "might be under the attack of the evil one." He offered to arrange for an exorcism for the elderly nun. She agreed.
"So I said let's do the prayer of exorcism over her.

So I called one of the priests who was a holy man in Calcutta," D'Souza said. "I told him, 'Please say the prayer of exorcism over Mother Teresa.' And he got a shock and said, 'Shall I pray and should I drive out the devil if it's there?'"
"I said, 'Yes, you do.'

But he says, 'What will the devil do to me?' I said to him, 'You command the devil to go if he's there. In the name of the church, as archbishop, I command you to go and do it.'"
After the exorcism was over, the archbishop said Mother Teresa "slept like a baby."

He emphasized that other great religious leaders faced similar challenges.
D'Souza said the revelations about Mother Teresa show that she was "both holy and human," making her even more special.

The archbishop also corroborated earlier reports on CNN that Mother Teresa felt abandoned by God at times during her life.
Those revelations were first made to CNN by Mother Teresa's closest confidante, Sister Nirmala, who now heads the order, Missionaries of Charity, established by Mother Theresa in 1950.

"This is part of the spiritual life of people, and God sometimes wants to unite the soul very closely to himself. He will allow them to feel abandoned by Him. And Jesus also on the cross felt he was abandoned," Sister Nirmala said.

She said Mother Teresa is most remembered for her humanness -- "How human she was, how loving she was. How she wanted to be just one of us."
D'Souza told CNN that Mother Teresa felt abandoned particularly in her early years -- feelings she revealed in letters.

He said in one letter she wrote that she had been walking the streets of Calcutta all day searching for a house where she could start her work.
"At the end of the day, she came back and she wrote in her diary, 'Today, I wandered the streets the whole day. My feet are aching and I have not been able to find a home. And I also get the temptation, of the tempter telling me, "Leave all this, go back to the convent in which you came."'"

She found her home and the rest is history. The Missionaries of Charity feeds 500,000 families a year in Calcutta alone, treats 90,000 leprosy patients annually and educates 20,000 children every year.
Millions of Indians marked the fourth anniversary of her death (she died September 5, 1997). The archbishop led a Mass Wednesday morning at the Motherhouse, where Mother Teresa lived. Statues in the house were decorated with garlands and her grave was bedecked in flowers.
The Vatican has begun the process of trying to declare her a saint who dedicated her life to the service of the poor.

"Today, Mother is with God. Now in his presence, she has more power with God. She is no more on earthly level," Sister Nirmala said. "She has passed to eternal life. There she is very, very powerful." [is that so?]

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